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The Budget Unit of Daffiama Bussei District Assembly is responsible for budgeting and financial management functions to ensure prudent and judicious use of the Assembly’s resources.

The Unit is charged with the following specific functions:

1. To undertake general and overall supervision of the District Budget Office.

2. To prepare the Fee Fixing and Rate Imposition Resolutions in consultation with relevant sub-committees, departments and stakeholders

3. To co-ordinate the distribution of Budget Ceilings and Preparation of the Composite/District Budget and to ensure its smooth implementation and execution at a Pilot stage

4. To provide requisite assistance and guidance to all MDAs in the district in the preparation of Annual Revenue and Expenditure estimates when needed

5. To be responsible for the collection and management of economic and financial data for the Assembly’s Computerization of property rate data in progress; DBI Base-Info Project initiated from the Planning & Budget Unit; BOP; etc.

6. To ensure the translation of the medium term programmes of the district into District Investment Programme and Budget Statement;

7. To monitor budget implementation by;

*· Ensuring that every expenditure incurred by the Assembly is within the approved budget and preparing the relevant documents for payment (e.g. warrants/disbursement forms) – the transfer and use of Government and donor funds (DACF, HIPC, Specific Releases, Donor Funds)

*· Analyzing Monthly Trial Balance and advising management accordingly;

*· Advising the Assembly on the financial implication of decisions on the budget

*· Undertaking half yearly budget review; and

*· Monitoring of development projects and programmes

8. To organize in-service training programme for Departments in the district on Budget preparation/Financial Management and disseminate information on Government Financial Policies;

9. To service the relevant sub-committees of the Assembly

10. To be the focal person for all Public Finance Management Reforms at the District Level

11. To undertake such functions as the Assembly, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and/or the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development/Local Government Service may from time to time determine.

